This full-colour, 364-page Deluxe Edition of the Broken Shield Roleplaying Game is a complete game and includes everything you need to play! Enjoy exciting, fast-paced investigation and spy missions in a science-fiction future where Echoes wield reality-warping powers, and living gods meddle in the affairs of humanity...
You are the heroes who can bring hope to a fractured universe!
What's inside the Broken Shield Deluxe Edition Core Book? Read on...

The HexDNA System
The Broken Shield Roleplaying Game uses the HexDNA System: Just the right amount of crunch
We created the HexDNA system to fit the Broken Shield universe perfectly and help you have fun adventures without getting you bogged down in too many rules, while supporting longterm campaigns too. When we designed and playtested the system over five years we had four key design aims:

Straightforward Mechanics
Roll a handful of six-sided dice, each one that rolls equal to or above the target succeeds. We like the feeling of rolling a handful of dice, and we kept it simple using the dice everyone has: the D6.

Success With Complications
With the HexDNA you are less likely to fail but more likely to have fun complications! Fumbles and criticals in other systems are always fun, so we embraced that and made it core to the system.

Consistent, Logical Systems
Once you've learned the basics of the system the rest should flow naturally! Each rule in the system is carefully balanced to make sure it follows this design guideline.

Consistent, Colourful Design and Icons
We use colours and icons to help you find what you need, faster! We want the game to be accesible to anyone who wants to play. We beleive roleplaying games are for everyone!

WeaveNet Now!

An evolving setting
The latest news in London. Who knows, maybe your adventures will feature? Featuring the latest in business, lifestyle, entertainment, metaphysical and conflict news with indepth editorials. But is it true? It is up to you!
Insider's Guide To...
The Insider's Guides open up the setting, exploring different, exciting parts of the universe. The Core Book contains the Insider's Guides to the Steel Alliance, London Metropolice, Agency and London & Soho, but we have so many more to come!
Mission Seeds
The stories in each issue of WeaveNet Now link to mission seeds that you can play with your group. Don't just read the news: make the news!
...and so much more!
Tech guides, Mooks & Masters, ongoing campaign arcs and major events in the Broken Shield Universe!

From WeaveNet Now! Issue #1

Tower of Judgement, Temple & Tyburn, London.
Rumours are continuing to circulate that current Metropolice Commissioner Tanaka is seriously considering standing in the election of the new Governor of London now that Governor Sagacious has announced he is stepping down due to ill health.

Hope Tower, London.
Head of Future Tech at Genedyne London, Dr Macek Ragar Azaelja revealed an exciting leap forward in nanotechnology today at the London Future Tech Show held in the Hope Tower, Highgate. Dr Azaelja, originally from Kapaethja, has been pioneering advanced medical and emergency healing systems and was showing off his fourth generation Nano Biostatus Unit to the public in London before it goes on sale later this year.

Enigma Entertainment, Hope Tower, London.
Enigma Entertainment announced that they have finalised the short list for the new series of the hit WeaveNet show “The Agent” but are yet to announce the final decision. The reality show follows all aspects of the life of a junior agent from the London Agency including case work and home life, and despite controversy over revealing covert active operations the show became a hit last season.
We want to make Broken Shield as easy as possible for you to play or Game Master, so we've made lots of useful, free downloads for you.
More downloads coming soon including Quickstart rules, Snakeheads adventure and more!

Quickstart and Snakeheads
A full length adventure and quickstart rules with everything you need to play!
Broken Shield Quickstart Pack (from Drivethrurpg.com)
Collection of Useful Sheets
This PDF has all the sidebars, cheat sheets and a full set of the Complication & Boost and Injury sheets. [PDF: 4MB]
Collection of Build & Play Sheets
This PDF has all the interactive and plain (for printing) Character Build Sheets, Character Play Sheets, Mook Sheets, Mook Damage Trackers, Vehicles Sheets and Guides. [ZIP: 42MB]
WeaveNet Now! Issue #01
The full first issue of WeaveNet Now! the trustworthy (!) in-character news source for Broken Shield [PDF: 7.4MB]
Agency Briefings
This PDF has all the Agency Briefings from the Deluxe Edition including the Agency Commander's Memo, a briefing on the Ethereal Plain, a guide to semiotics and a guide to Pure names. [ZIP: 4.2MB]
Pregenerated Characters
Ready to play, completed, editable Build and Play Sheets for 5 Agency characters. [ZIP: 49MB]

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- FREE Quickstart Pack including Quickstart Rules & Snakeheads adventure
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